Mike Lamb's Inspection Connection, Inc.
serving Chicagoland

"...Let us spy it before you buy it..."


Utilities and Appliances: All utilities need to be turned on. That means gas, water and electric. I can’t do a full inspection if they are not on. I am not allowed to light pilot lights or turn on any water valves that have been turned off. There may be a very good reason why they are off.

Access: I need access to the following places (some of these may not apply). Crawl spaces beneath the floor. Remove any objects (storage, carpeting, appliances) blocking the access. Attic spaces above ceilings. These are often located in closets. Remove any clothing or storage in the way. I can usually work around the shelving.

Time: Inspections usually take 3 hours but sometimes longer. Although rare, some inspections may take 4 hours or more. Please appreciate that this is an extremely important part of the home buying process and the home inspector cannot be rushed.